Our Weaving Community

Hetet School of Māori Art


Last Update 2 maanden geleden

Community Rules

  1. Be Respectful: Treat others kindly.
  2. Snark and swearing are not tolerated.
  3. Keep the details of your 'Aha' Moments to yourself: Preserve the magic of The Matrix and self-discovery for fellow weavers
  4. Post about your weaving: Share only what you've learned with the Hetet School, so as not to confuse others or disrespect your past teachers
  5. Avoid spam and self-promotion or advertising: Share the love for Māori weaving, but don't promote businesses or spam
  6. Respect our intellectual property and the terms of use for course content
  7. Focus on sharing and encouraging: Celebrate each other's weaving wins and offer support

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